Who can apply for Kaboom Collective?
Kaboom Collective is for curious musicians and artists ages 15-25 who want to experience multi-disciplinary education and explore the many aspects of the arts, music, and entertainment industries.
When does Kaboom Collective meet?
The Studio Orchestra meets on Tuesday evenings from 7pm-9pm EST in Cleveland, Ohio. Industry Classes meet online on Thursday evenings from 7pm-8:30pm EST
Where does Kaboom Collective meet?
Rehearsals and industry classes, as well as master classes or special performances, will meet both in-person and on the proprietary Kaboom web portal. Each member is assigned login credentials.
When I submit my application, am I applying for all of the Productions?
If you are applying to be a member of the Studio Orchestra or the Composition Team – YES! If you are applying to be a member of a specialty team, like the Animation Team, then it would be for only specific productions.
When does the application process begin?
The application process is open as long as there are positions available. If you are curious, have a question or even if the date listed has passed – EMAIL US and ask! liza@kaboomcollective.org.
Can I apply for multiple productions with different disciplines?
Yes! Example: If you are a composer and an instrumentalist and would like to be in the Studio Orchestra for one production and on the Composition Team for another production, you are welcome and encouraged to submit those applications!
What is the cost for participation?
Tuition is $725 per year. If you are in need of financial assistance, let us know and we will reach out to you with information. 
What are Industry Classes?
The Industry Classes are included in your tuition. Each one is taught by professionals in their respective fields and are an optional part of your experience. These are all offered on a first come basis as the class sizes are small.
Who are the educators in the Collective?
The educators in the Collective are professionals from many different areas of specialty in the entertainment industry.
Will we meet in person?
Kaboom Collective is inherently digital, so some programs will be held online.  This allows our students to work with peers and industry experts from around the country. The Kaboom Studio Orchestra meets in person in Berea, Ohio at the Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music.
Will Kaboom Perform?
While Kaboom is production based, the Studio Orchestra performs in-person at special events as needed.